Educational program "Consolidated information (Business Intelligence, BI)"

Business intelligence (BI) comprise methods and means for converting the unprocessed  information into reasonable, convenient forms that are used for business analysis.

BI technologies process large amounts of unstructured data for strategic business opportunities. New opportunities and the implementation of the effective knowledge-based strategy can provide companies with a competitive advantage in the market and long-term stability.

The amount of information stored and analyzed in all areas is growing every day, and some of them can be called leaders. The amount of data processed in banks, insurance companies, telecommunications companies and retailers, is calculated in terabytes, and the level of customer satisfaction and, consequently, competitiveness depends on the correct use of this data.

At the same time, along with the amount of information, the speed of its generation increases, as well as the diversity, and this requires a strategic approach in the implementation of BI tools. After all, choosing technologies to solve today's problems without taking into account future needs, you can face their unsuitability in the future.

Another difficulty for most organizations is the low quality of data, and the lack of the obtained  information reliability. That is why,  there is a worldwide interest in the implementation of analytical applications and projects. Only now BI technologies allow to automate the collection and analysis of information, as well as to present it in a convenient form for management.

To implement successfully BI-technologies in the organization it is necessary to create a BIG team - Business Intelligence Governance,  the center of competence for the organization of information management. Creation of such a center helps to put in order BI tools, as well as centralize responsibility and information management of the organization.

The BI Competence Center can have a standard structure that brings together business customers and employees responsible for information technology and information management (CIO, information architect, business analysts, etc.). The main tasks of the center are to manage the needs of business customers, the choice of information management technologies, methodological guidance, standardization of work and technologies used, the accumulation of competencies and data quality management.

The possibilities of organizing such a center can also be different:

• Functional unit subordinated to the IT department;

• Unit subordinated to operational management;

• Distributed structure subordinated to the CEO;

• Virtual organization.

The form of the organization can be different, the main thing is that there should be responsible employees for information management and business analysis. Therefore, the most effective is to be reported directly to the CEO or his deputy. In this case, the main issue, in terms of efficiency of the created unit is to assign the appropriate powers.

Current trends in the development of the BI-applications market are to increase the industry and functional specializations of BI platforms, as well as to increase their number. Thus, organizations need a clear understanding of their needs and the selection of appropriate BI-applications in accordance to  the growing number of users of BI-tools in the organization.It becomes more and more relevant.

The advantages of using BI applications include the following: Business Intelligence reduces the cost of information management, as it eliminates the unnecessary processes of data retrieval and existing duplication of information; BI systems save employees time by processing information more efficiently, and the ability to analyze large data sets reduces the number of employees required to process information.

Guarantor - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Information Systems and Network Department, Basyuk Taras Mikhailovich
