Methods and means for building Web-galleries taking into account user’s interests
In the thesis an important task of developing methods and means for building Web galleries taking into account user’s interests to improve adaptability of their content to user’s interests was resolved. The definitions of “Web gallery” and “Web gallery user’s interest” were suggested and their models were built. Method for adaptive formation of Web gallery structure, which provides dynamic classification of items based on questionnaires that allows individual exposition formation was improved. In addition, the method of evaluating the quality of a Web gallery by analyzing their functionality, using new criteria for quality evaluation that allows identification of quality measures ISO/IEC 25010 was improved. The process of building expositions based on search queries by processing fuzzy temporal data and taking into account the results of Web gallery items classification was improved. Also a means for consolidating Web galleries content based on XSLT technology were developed.
A software complex Web gallery that uses methods developed for adaptive formation of Web gallery structure for each user was improved.
In the first chapter the notions “Web gallery” and “interest of Web gallery user” were defined. Classification of Web galleries in terms of their accessibility is carried out. The behavior of Web gallery users including features of their visits and reviews is investigated. The metadata standards to describe the museum and multimedia data on WWW were considered. The analysis of XML-related technologies used in museum systems, including analysis of the structure of XML-data obtained through exporting data in popular DBMS is carried out. The structure of the XML-document to describe exhibits is suggested. The way of distributing Web gallery content to other media of communication and consolidation of content from different information resources is considered. The system of criteria for evaluation of Web galleries quality by analyzing their functional capabilities was developed.
In the second chapter a model of Web gallery that displays structure of its content was built. The model of Web gallery user interests based on his interest in thematic categories, objects and expositions that are defined and modified during his work in it was built. Also the models of factors that influence interests of the Web gallery user through considering expert’s point of view, targeted review and advertising of certain items, as well as based on the executed search were built. The coefficient of user confidence in certain element of Web gallery (object, exposition) for evaluating its quality was introduced.
In the third chapter ways to build Web gallery are worked out. A method of adaptive formation of Web gallery structure, which aims at improving relevance of Web gallery content, is carried out. This method consists of certain algorithms for determining interests of a Web gallery user, creation and restructuring of exposition taking into account user’s interests. A method for building expositions based on search queries by processing fuzzy temporal data, which, unlike existing methods, allows to identify and process not only keywords but and phrases that contain fuzzy temporal data was developed. Also a method of evaluating the quality of a software Web gallery, in which the following quality measures by the standard ISO/IEC 25010 are defined: functional completeness (criteria of describing, reviewing, evaluation, interaction and adaptation), functional correctness (criteria of reviewing), interoperability (criteria of interaction and adaptation), appropriateness of recognition (criteria of revision), suitability of the studying (part of the review criteria) and adaptation (criteria of adaptation) was developed.
In the fourth chapter the architecture software of Web gallery building taking into account user’s interests was developed; its software and information means as well as the main components of the complex, their functions and aspects of implementation are described. A means of consolidation of Web gallery content was developed. The quality measures of Web gallery based on the developed criteria were defined.
Keywords: Web-gallery, user interest, quality Web-gallery, adaptive Web-gallery, XSLT.